A Critique of Democracy: Capability Before Morality

What candidates with a quality portfolio most often highlight in elections is their level of education, work experience, achievements, and similar attributes. This is certainly commendable, and candidates who hold public offices should indeed be educated and capable. A person who does not understand economics, law, medicine, engineering, etc., cannot make correct decisions in these fields nor should they hold such positions.

However, before these qualities, a candidate needs to be moral – because knowledge without morals is more dangerous and harmful than ignorance. A person who is capable of deceiving, lying, rigging tenders, stealing, etc., will steal more and hide it better than someone who is not capable.

Therefore, the morality of a candidate is a trait that must come before education and ability. A candidate who is moral will always work in the interest of society, and not for their personal gain. Even if they are not highly educated, a moral candidate should surround themselves with capable advisors and experts who can help them make the right decisions.

The ideal candidate is one who is moral, educated, and capable.

Thus, any boasting about professional qualifications, projects, etc., is pointless if the candidate is not moral. Moreover, those who boast about themselves are often self-admiring, and usually not the ideal candidate. This is certainly a paradox because elections attract self-admiring individuals eager to be in the spotlight, rather than those who are necessarily capable and moral.