A Critique of Democracy – Two Alcoholics Outvote A Professor.

In my hometown, there are three taverns and a “shop and a half.” You might wonder, how ‘and a half’? The other shop often doesn’t operate regularly, being closed more often than open.

Every time I visit my hometown, I inevitably come across people spending time in the gardens of these three taverns. I am fascinated by the fact that some of them arrive in the morning, spend the entire day, and only return home in the evening. Whenever I passed by these taverns, I would see the same people sitting, drinking, and chatting. They lead this lifestyle day in, day out, for years. It wasn’t just a one-time observation; every time, the same people are there, drinking their beverage, usually beer or probably rakija.

I ponder how (mis)informed they are about the general state, political candidates and parties, economic situations, the condition of the country, and other important topics for choosing the right candidate in elections. I assume their electoral vote depends on who offers them more beer or promises before the elections.

On the other hand, let’s consider a professor. He spends his days at the university, doing his job responsibly, reading books, following political and economic developments, interested in the state of the country, and exchanging opinions with colleagues. This example is not limited to professors but applies to any educated and informed citizen.

However, two alcoholics bought for a beer or two can outvote such a professor.

Even worse, in many countries, including ours, there are separatists who dislike their country and work to its detriment. Their goal is destabilization, division, and they use various means and methods to achieve their aims. Often, they are the loudest and most active, so even two such individuals can outvote a professor and choose someone who will harm the country.