Why podcasting

Considering that I’ve spent my entire life avoiding public exposure, launching a podcast where I’ll be publicly exposed is a step that’s completely out of my comfort zone. As someone who only takes photos for personal document needs and has used the selfie camera solely for video calls, except to test it out, the idea of public exposure was always unimaginable to me.

I decided to take this step for several reasons:

  1. As someone who detests trash and useless news, which unfortunately makes up 90% of the news on our and world portals, I decided to launch a portal that will only spread positive news, people, and projects (For a Better Tomorrow – zbs.ba). As part of that portal, I want to start a podcast that will be of a similar nature.
  2. I “love” stepping out of my comfort zone as a way to improve myself.
  3. I am aware that in our area and among our people, there are truly beautiful and successful stories, but the media and (anti)social networks create a different picture, as if everything is negative. My desire is to spread positivity by bringing in successful people who will inspire others.
  4. I want to meet people I consider to be inspirations and positive examples, and ask them for advice and experiences.

I certainly want to emphasize that I don’t consider myself very competent in leading a podcast, but I want to step out of my comfort zone and improve in this direction.

All constructive criticisms and suggestions are welcome via email: e[at]ribic[dot]ba